On the blog you will find articles and posts about my personal musings on the topics of food, eating and body image as well as my take on how we can live a more mindful, wholehearted and fully nourished life!
Food as Self care
What does self care through food and eating look like? Food and eating is fundamental for survival, yet so many of us develop a really complicated relationship with...
10 ways to support your relationship with food during Christmas
The end of October (Halloween) until the 1st of January when food, expectations and social gatherings peak can be a particularly challenging time if your relationship...
Three ways to navigate decision fatigue and food
Something that has come up as conversation with some of my clients recently is how do you figure out what to eat when you don’t know what you fancy eating? Decision...
Food + Love
Food and Love. Or should it be foodlove? Or love of food? I was recently reminded of the healing power of having a meal made and shared with love. You know, the truly...
What are you really looking for when you want to lose weight?
For a long time, before I became a nutritionist I had my own struggles with food, weight and my body. I wanted it to be smaller. I wanted to lose weight. And it was not...
How to dress for the body you have
A few days ago I went though my wardrobe to sort through clothes that no longer fits my body. I wanted to make sure that I can dress for the body I have, right now. Not...
What is ‘Normal Eating’?
When your relationship with food feels chaotic, fraught or out of control, it can be difficult to imagine what “Normal Eating” is. Perhaps even more so in a culture...
What is the difference between an Eating Disorder & disordered eating?
I think it is important to explore the difference between what an eating disorder and disordered eating is. However, if you struggle with your relationship with food,...
Mindful Eating vs Intuitive Eating
I really want to explore the topic of Mindful Eating vs. Intuitive Eating. This is by no means and exhaustive blog post about it. There is so much to explore about this...
Understanding Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA)
If you’re missing your period, you might be dealing with hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA). HA is a common side effect of struggling with disordered eating. Despite being...
When do you know you have healed your relationship with food?
This is a question that came up in a recent conversation with a colleague. And if you are someone who have been diagnosed with an eating disorder or feel like your...
My Five Favourite Non-Diet Books
In this blog post I share my top five favourite non-diet books that are really helpful when trying to have a better relationship with food and eating. No weight loss necessary.
Explaining the Diet-Deprivation-Binge Cycle – How restriction drives binge eating
When someone comes to me to work on their relationship with food, and in this case binge eating and emotional eating I often find myself starting by showing them a...
Why do I have to let go of dieting?
If you want to heal your relationship with food, eating and your body, it will be impossible to keep dieting. Yes, even if you still want to lose weight. In this blog post I will explain why and how you can move forward, when you are ready.
Structured Eating can be part of Intuitive Eating – And here’s why
Structured eating can be part of Intuitive Eating especially in the early days when we are trying to heal from disordered eating or an eating disorder. Here is why and how you can do it.
How Do I Stop Bingeing On Food
Bingeing on food is a really distressing thing and can severely impact on someone’s life. If you have never struggled with binge eating it might be hard to imagine that...
How to go from Chaotic Eating to Intuitive Eating
One of the things that we work with in intuitive eating / mindful eating approaches are knowing when we are hungry, and moving through any barriers to meeting this...
What is “Last Supper Mentality”?
Have you ever heard the term “Last Supper Mentality”? I bet that even if you haven’t heard the term before, you have probably engaged in it, at least if you have ever...
When Should You Seek Support for Eating Disorder Recovery?
How do you know when you should seek support for eating disorder recovery? I have been thinking about this question for a while. If you have gotten a diagnosis of an...
Why am I so afraid of gaining weight?
The fear of weight gain alongside the desire to lose weight is the most common thing I see in my clinical practice. Not everyone in my clinic wants to lose weight but...
Five Ways To Navigate The Holiday Season As An Intuitive Eater
It is December and the holiday season is upon us. This time of the year can be a challenging time to navigate as an intuitive eater, especially if you are just in the...
Does giving up pursuing weight loss mean giving up on caring for your health?
This is something I feel like a lot of people who are new to non-diet and intuitive eating approaches ponder. Let’s take some time to unpack it together. The message...
Is Sugar Addiction Real?
If you do work that includes guiding people around food, nutrition and health you have most likely heard someone say, “I am addicted to sugar, once I start it seems...
How I Became a Non-Diet Nutritionist
I didn’t start out as a non-diet, weight inclusive nutritionist, but once I learned what this meant, plus the understanding of the harm dieting does, it was an easy choice. In fact it was my only choice if I wanted to work in a way that felt truly aligned with my personal and professional values.
Why Is It So Hard To Let Go Of Dieting?
Have you ever pondered why it is so hard to let go of dieting? Even though we know that diets and dieting doesn’t work, it can be so challenging to not try another one....
5 simple ways to get out of food ruts
For this blog post I wanted to write a more practical type of post about a topic, being stuck in food ruts, that I often see people struggle with in my clinical...
Words from My Heart
This blog post will contain some words from my heart, as well as lots of swirling thoughts captured in print. Whilst I have been working on putting together a post...
Being At War With Our Bodies – Why the intentional pursuit of weight loss is a form of oppression
This is not an easy blog post to write. In fact, even though I have a clear idea of what I want to write here, it doesn’t come all that easy. Maybe because I know that...
The importance of giving yourself full permission to eat (ALL foods)
Without moral judgment… I’ve been grappling with the headline for this particular blog post because part of what I also want to touch on is this; “To give yourself full...
Is it all about getting to those goals?
Getting to those Goals. Ambitions. Achievements. Intentions. Actions. Merits. A couple of different conversations and observations over the past few weeks or so...
Marrying Nutrition with Intuition
We live in an era where so many people cook less, eat in a hurry and yet often are more preoccupied with the effect the food they eat have on their health than...
My Sugar Story
“Don’t be ashamed of telling your story. It may inspire others” – Unknown With that in mind, I will tell you mine… Once upon a time there was a little girl with...
Cultivating Body Awareness
For the Senses “May the touch of your skin Register the beauty Of the otherness That surrounds you. May your listening be attuned To the deeper silence Where...
How to develop an attitude of gratitude
The definition of attitude is “a way of thinking”, “a frame of mind” or “a view point”. All too often “having an attitude” is said implying that it is something...
When judgement gets in the way of change
I’ve been pondering all week, what to write about next. As I wass doing some research into the relationship between stress and digestion for our 1 day retreat this past...
Feeding the Hungry Ghost – Cravings & Desires
Have you ever heard the saying “feeding the Hungry Ghost”? In Buddhism these creatures are depicted as having large empty bellies but with thin necks so they...
Life Lessons Learnt from Hiking
Why is it that sometimes we need to repeat the same learnings over and over? Last week, I started the week with all guns blazing, lots of enthusiasm and energy...
What speed are you living at?
“If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live” - Lin Youtang Twice this week I had reminders of...
Less as More
Do you ever feel like your life is spinning out of control? Or like you are suffering with sensory overload? I sure do. Sometimes more often than I would care to admit,...
We are at the final Aspect on our rainbow journey of the 7 Systems of Health! This is the SPIRIT Aspect. I can't remember when I figured out that I was 'spiritual'....
We travel upwards and on to the sixth System of Health - INSIGHT. Welcome to the place where your intuition, imagination, dreams and visions live! This is the system...
How Mindful Eating can uplevel our lives
I am going to introduce some more non-recipe blog posts, from now on. Because let's face it, food and nutrition is only ONE part of the healing equation. And it's only...
Let's continue our travels on the rainbow journey of discovery, of our Whole Selves. We have so far traversed the ROOT, the FLOW, the FIRE and the LOVE. We will now...
It's time to dive into the LOVE Aspect of Self, and the Seven Systems of Health™! And perhaps this is the perfect time to do so with May Day, Beltane and Valborg...
This month I want to introduce you to the FIRE Aspect of Health (and Self) as per the concept of Food and Spirit™. We will slowly be working our way through each...
This month I will talk about the Aspect of FLOW. This Aspect of Health as according to the concept of Food & Spirit™ is the second Aspect and is represented...
This month I want to try something new. Because being healthy isn't only about what we eat, it is also very much how we live and how we integrate with the world around...
Nutritional Therapy for Eating Disorder Recovery | Ireland
Linn Thorstensson Dip NT, mNTOI is a nutritional therapist based in co. Mayo, Ireland, supporting people to re build their relationship with food, eating and body image. Her work is non-diet, weight inclusive and person centered.