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SE2 – Ep 8: My Eating Disorder Recovery Journey with Mirte Kaan

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Podcast | 0 comments

This podcast episode is about a personal eating disorder recovery journey.

The last week of February is ED awareness week, so even though this podcast is a little bit early but still very much relevant for the #edaw2024 theme of: Eating Disorder Recovery and Beyond, Respecting Individuality and Identity.

With this in mind, this episode is a conversation with Mirte Kaan who kindly shared her own lived experience of having had an eating disorder.

Mirte Kaan has a Bachelor’s in nutrition and health and  is a Holistic Dance Yoga Teacher. 

She developed and Eating disorder in her late teens/early twenties and subsequently developed all kinds of health issues because of that later in life, as a result of undernourishment.

She has worked in a lot of different fields, from management to recipe development and was a FODMAP specialist with her own company. A burnout caused her to lose everything and forced her to stop, and look at her life and life on this planet in a different way. Rebuilding into a totally new way of being.  

Now on the healing journey for over 10 years and wanting to share her story with others and help people to get comfortable in their own bodies with holistic dance yoga.

Next to that she is on a new career path to help people look at their personality and talents through the ITTI method, so they can see what will truly make them happy and ‘tick’ both professionally and personally. 

In this episode:

– We talk about what she feels contributed to the development of her struggles

– How she felt when she was in the middle of her eating disorder and the journey ahead

– What the road of recovery looked like for her

This podcast episode is a little different as it focuses on a personal account of recovery from an eating disorder. I feel this conversation is a good representation of the many layers that the development of an ED, or disordered eating have. But also the layers and nuances that the journey of recovery tend to take.

I am very grateful to Mirte for so generously sharing her experiences and journey of recovery and it is our hope that by sharing our stories we can inspire others hope on their recovery journeys.

You can find Mirte on Instagram here: @mirte_kaan

Other Podcast episodes that feature personal accounts of recovery:

Moving from the head, to the body, to the heart as a healing practice with Louise George

Intutive Eating with Sinead Crowe

Food as an Ally with Anne Richardson

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Hey there, I´m Linn

This is my little corner of the internet where I share things related to our complex relationship with food, eating and our bodies.

I believe that eating ought to be nourishing and joyful instead of filled with fear, guilt and shame.

Your body, and all of you, is worthy of care and  food or eating should never need to be earned or justified.