We live in an era where so many people cook less, eat in a hurry and yet often are more preoccupied with the effect the food they eat have on their health than ever. My mother became a health...
My Sugar Story
“Don’t be ashamed of telling your story. It may inspire others” – Unknown With that in mind, I will tell you mine… Once upon a time there was a little girl with thick blond hair, living in...
Cultivating Body Awareness
For the Senses “May the touch of your skin Register the beauty Of the otherness That surrounds you. May your listening be attuned To the deeper silence Where sound is honed To bring distance...
How to develop an attitude of gratitude
The definition of attitude is “a way of thinking”, “a frame of mind” or “a view point”. All too often “having an attitude” is said implying that it is something negative. That if we have an...
When judgement gets in the way of change
I’ve been pondering all week, what to write about next. As I wass doing some research into the relationship between stress and digestion for our 1 day retreat this past weekend, I thought perhaps I...
Feeding the Hungry Ghost – Cravings & Desires
Have you ever heard the saying “feeding the Hungry Ghost”? In Buddhism these creatures are depicted as having large empty bellies but with thin necks so they don’t get nourished and are never...