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Green Fusion Miso Soup

by | Mar 5, 2017 | Gluten free, Recipes, Soup | 2 comments

This week’s recipe is one that we shared with our participants at our Mindfulness & Nutrition Retreat in Fermoy, Co. Cork, last Sunday.

This was the third one I’ve done in collaboration with my friend Jen (Blue Heron Mindfulness), I think that we are both feeling blessed in how this joint venture is shaping up. And so far the feedback from each event has been great. Which kind of makes it challenging to improve on then…

Though it was a long day, with lots of prep the previous day, I felt really energised afterwards and ended up having a productive week, until I got to Friday and Saturday… Then I really felt it.

Challenged by some overwhelm over all the thing still on my to-do list, as well as a measure of guilt over the yet-to-be-completed ones, I actually let go and decide to take a short nap on each day. Getting to bed late several nights, haven’t helped either and even though I often get what feels like good quality sleep, it’s not always enough hours.

It always makes me marvel at all of you super women out there with children, who seem to be able to go on despite endless nights of little sleep.  My body quickly says no to that. Would I cope?? Who knows… But I do know though that when we have little or no choice, we tend to be more resilient than we ever expected.

Miso Soup with greens

This miso soup is really quick and easy to make and best eaten on the day of making it, which is why I made it “on site”, and also to show our participants how quick and easy it can be to make something that’s nourishing as well as tasty. We can cook mindfully and creatively, but it doesn’t have to take all day!

I got the idea for this soup from scrolling through Instagram, and hadn’t made a miso soup in a very long time. Miso, made from fermented soya beans, has a salty umami flavour and is really nice as a stock for these kinds of clear broth style soups. Though I have yet to travel to Japan for an authentic taste experience, I believe that the traditional way is to serve it with just some seaweeds.

But seaweeds, though highly nutritious is not to everyone’s taste. So fear not, none included in this particular recipe!

Final note; if you are gluten intolerant or coeliac make sure you read the label of the miso paste you buy as some of them may contain barley. The one we used on the day did not. You will find miso in healthstores and in Asian grocery stores.

It keeps for a really long time too.

With this soup, I’m not all that particular with the measurements. You can adjust the quantities to your own taste preferences as well as to what you have on hand. This soup is fresh fast food, as it will be ready in 10 min!


Green Fusion Miso Soup

Serves 4

1 cup kale, stems removed & finely chopped or spinach, finely chopped

1 cup broccoli, chopped into small florets

½ cup frozen peas or edamame beans

1 leek, both white & green parts finely chopped

½ tsp chilli flakes

3-4 tbsp miso paste

Juice of 1 lime

A large bunch of fresh coriander, chopped

A small bunch of fresh mint, chopped

100g rice noodles

About 3 pints (1.5 litres) of fresh water

Black pepper, to season


Heat a large saucepan, then add a splash of olive oil. Reduce the heat, add the leek and chilli flakes then gently sweat until soft.

Add the water and the miso soup to the pan. Make sure that the miso paste is dispersed in the water.  You can taste the broth at this point and decide if you want more miso paste to make it a little bit more salty.

Bring to the boil. Add the noodles and bring back to a lively simmer. Cook noodles for about 5 min.

Add the chopped broccoli, chopped kale and the frozen peas / edamame beans. Bring the soup back up to the boil.

As soon as the broccoli becomes bright green, remove the saucepan from the heat.

Add the chopped herbs, and lime juice. Taste and adjust with some black pepper, more lime juice or a little more miso, if your taste buds are asking for it.

Serve immediately.

straightforward nutrition



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  1. Rebecca Westeren

    Lovely! Too bad you are so far away! I would be over….xo

    • Straightforward Nutrition

      One day we will be cooking together xx


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Hey there, I´m Linn

This is my little corner of the internet where I share things related to our complex relationship with food, eating and our bodies.

I believe that eating ought to be nourishing and joyful instead of filled with fear, guilt and shame.

Your body, and all of you, is worthy of care and  food or eating should never need to be earned or justified.