by Linn Thorstensson | Aug 2, 2024 | Podcast
This solo podcast episode is on the topic of making peace with food, through the practice of giving yourself unconditional permission to eat ALL foods. I am calling it a practice because it is something we often need to intentionally do for awhile before it becomes...
by Linn Thorstensson | Jul 25, 2024 | Podcast
This podcast episode is about a personal eating disorder recovery journey. The last week of February is ED awareness week, so even though this podcast is a little bit early but still very much relevant for the #edaw2024 theme of: Eating Disorder Recovery and Beyond,...
by Linn Thorstensson | Jul 21, 2024 | Podcast
In this podcast episode I speak with Lynn McGovern on the topic of understanding orthorexia. This is a type of eating disorder, is without an official diagnosis, but cause a lot of distress and suffering to the person experiencing it. Orthorexia is an obsession with...
by Linn Thorstensson | Jul 15, 2024 | Blog, Eating Disorder Recovery
For a long time, before I became a nutritionist I had my own struggles with food, weight and my body. I wanted it to be smaller. I wanted to lose weight. And it was not until many years later, with hindsight and more learning (and unlearning!) that I could see what it...
by Linn Thorstensson | Jun 3, 2024 | Healing, Podcast
Can our goals be flexible? What if we moved away from All or Nothing thinking? In this episode I share with you some of my thoughts and experiences when is comes to goal setting and how my take has changed over the years from very All-or-Nothing to a much more...