For a long time, before I became a nutritionist I had my own struggles with food, weight and my body. I wanted it to be smaller. I wanted to lose weight. And it was not until many years later, with...
Eating Disorder Recovery
SE2 – Ep6: Being Flexible with Your Goals
Can our goals be flexible? What if we moved away from All or Nothing thinking? In this episode I share with you some of my thoughts and experiences when is comes to goal setting and how my take has...
SE2 – Ep4: When Trauma is at the table with Melanie Hargraves
In this week's episode focusing on "when trauma is at the table", I have the pleasure of speaking with Melanie Hargraves. Melanie (she/her) is an experienced, curious and compassionate dietitian...
SE2 – Ep3: Tips for Navigating the Holiday Season
This episode focusing on navigating the holiday season is a solo one with me. The holiday season can be particularly challenging if you are trying to move away from dieting or are in eating disorder...
What is ‘Normal Eating’?
When your relationship with food feels chaotic, fraught or out of control, it can be difficult to imagine what “Normal Eating” is. Perhaps even more so in a culture that tends to glamorise and...
What is the difference between an Eating Disorder & disordered eating?
I think it is important to explore the difference between what an eating disorder and disordered eating is. However, if you struggle with your relationship with food, eating and body image you...