by Linn Thorstensson | Jan 21, 2018 | Drinks, Mindful Eating, Recipes, snack
This year I have decide to try something different. Rather than focusing on moulding my life into the way I “think it should be”, I have decide to “take action without attachment to outcome”. Only a few weeks into the year and my life is already giving me...
by Linn Thorstensson | Jun 28, 2017 | Dairy free recipes, Healthy Treats, Recipes, snack, Vegan, Vegetarian
I have this things for grocery shopping… And trying out new foods… And sometimes this “thing” turns out to be a rather indulgent AND expensive hobby. I’m still not sure where this love of exploration comes from, though I keep blaming the year I spent living in...
by Linn Thorstensson | Dec 18, 2016 | Dairy free recipes, Gluten free, Recipes, snack, Vegan
Can you believe it? Just a couple of weeks left of 2016, and Christmas just around the corner…! The common phrase of “Where does time go?” is the thing on my mind. Maybe my dad has a point when he says that time moves faster the older we get. Stands to reason if we...
by Linn Thorstensson | Dec 4, 2016 | Dairy free recipes, Gluten free, Recipes, snack
It’s that time of the year again, when you get to indulge in making and giving, without anyone questioning it. Actually it seems much expected that you do so. In this time of “shoulds”, “musts” and “have-tos”, a midst overwhelm and busyness perhaps a...
by Linn Thorstensson | Feb 13, 2015 | Dairy free recipes, Gluten free, Healthy Treats, snack, Vegan
Valentine’s is upon us again. I never got a chance to write a Valentine’s post last year due to some incredibly stormy weather and subsequent power cuts, which lasted for days, so I’m going to have a stab at it this year instead. I have to admit, I...