In this blog post I want to share with you some of my favourite non diet books that have been helpful both for me personally as well as professionally when it comes to healing my disordered eating. I have always been a voracious reader. When I was about ten or...
One of the things that we work with in intuitive eating / mindful eating approaches are knowing when we are hungry, and moving through any barriers to meeting this basic need. If you have been going from diet, to diet with periods of “being good”, aka restricting and...
Have you ever heard the term “Last Supper Mentality”? I bet that even if you haven’t heard the term before, you have probably engaged in it, at least if you have ever prepared for any kind of diet. “Last Supper Eating” is the eating that happens *before* intentional...
It’s been a really long time since I wrote a blog post here and I thought it would be appropriate to come back to blogging by telling you how I became a weight inclusive practitioner and why I practice through a non-diet, weight inclusive lens. If you want to...