When someone comes to me to work on their relationship with food, and in this case binge eating and emotional eating I often find myself starting by showing them a visual of the Diet – Restrict –...
Why do I have to let go of dieting?
If you want to heal your relationship with food, eating and your body, it will be impossible to keep dieting. Yes, even if you still want to lose weight. In this blog post I will explain why and how you can move forward, when you are ready.
Structured Eating can be part of Intuitive Eating – And here’s why
Structured eating can be part of Intuitive Eating especially in the early days when we are trying to heal from disordered eating or an eating disorder. Here is why and how you can do it.
How Do I Stop Bingeing On Food
Bingeing on food is a really distressing thing and can severely impact on someone’s life. If you have never struggled with binge eating it might be hard to imagine that you can even struggle with...
How to go from Chaotic Eating to Intuitive Eating
One of the things that we work with in intuitive eating / mindful eating approaches are knowing when we are hungry, and moving through any barriers to meeting this basic need. If you have been going...
What is “Last Supper Mentality”?
Have you ever heard the term “Last Supper Mentality”? I bet that even if you haven’t heard the term before, you have probably engaged in it, at least if you have ever prepared for any kind of diet....