What does self care through food and eating look like? Food and eating is fundamental for survival, yet so many of us develop a really complicated relationship with both. The most basic needs can...
Healthy Foods
Kale Salad with a Garlic-Tahini Dressing
So here we go with another kale salad recipe! Told you that I had an abundance… I’ve also been thinking about my recipes and how I would like to try to give you some various alternatives,...
Black Rice & Stone fruit Salad with Halloumi
This week’s recipe is inspiration taken from a meal I enjoyed at a friend’s house when I was in Sweden a few weeks ago. I love when people cook for me, even though I love cooking and serving...
Swedish Chocolate Balls – well almost
I think it was about time I shared another sweet recipe here on the blog again. And if you read my last post, about my own personal history with food (sugar in particular) and how I made...
Rainbow Slaw with Mustard Dressing
This week I will be sharing a salad recipe that kind of feels like a seasonal transition from Winter to Spring / Summer. It is a salad recipe, and it is a raw food dish. But, it made from what I...
Ruby Red Beetroot Smoothie
After what feels like almost two weeks at full speed, I decided, no actually my body told me loud and clear, that it is about time to take a day which include some selfcare. To me that includes,...