I feel like February is a kind of threshold month. Neither here nor there. Some faint promises of Spring, yet Winter is not ready to lose it's grip... This time of the year, eating fresh foods,...
Healthy Foods
An uplifting Carrot Soup
In times of uncertainty, get creative...! About 18 months ago I came across the work of a wise lady called Pema Chödron. She's one of the more well known Buddhist teachers of the West. One of the...
Cavolo Nero Salad with a Mexican Twist
This weekend I finally feel like I've hit those Autumn vibes in my kitchen. After a massive haul of fresh groceries, since my fridge was literally empty on fresh food and 2 hours of cleaning out my...
A Purple Smoothie with Hidden Greens
Let the purple theme continue! And the smoothie one too, of course. Purple is my favourite colour. So of course it made total sense to create a smoothie that was purple. It seems like late summer /...
Simple Seed Crackers
You will love this recipe I promise! It has been years since I came across this recipe on the internet and though there are lots of different seed crackers recipes on the internet these days, this...
Red Cabbage Salad with Coconut & Blueberries
I've been wanting to share this recipe for the longest time ever! And I've also wanted to share a red cabbage recipe here forever... The funny thing is when you do food blogging though is that...