Have you ever tried raw chocolate or even better still, tried to make our own? It isn't half as difficult as you may think. I can still remember a few years ago when I ordered my first ever bag of...
Homemade Elderberry Syrup – To Banish Any Autumn/Winter Bugs
Before the winter bugs hit and before it's too late to pick ripe elderberry off the trees, have a go at this simple recipe and make your own immune boosting remedy. This was the first time I've...
Beetroot & Carrot Salad with a Ginger dressing (Raw)
Before the summer is well and truly over, I would like to share this colourful raw salad with you. I'd love if I could literally share it with you, but if not I'll give you the recipe at least, so...
Purple Smoothie Bowl + Sweden Pictures
Holidays are over and it's time to get back to normality... If you have kids I am guessing you are in the midst of preparing for the return to school. Even though it is years (many years in fact)...
Green Smoothie for Beginners – Part 1
Are you part of the Green Smoothie Club? If smoothies are a very recent addition to your daily menu, making it a green one may still feel a little daunting. Or if having liquidized greens still...
Better-For-You Peanut Butter Chocolate Bites
Are you on the "Quitting Sugar Train"? There's so much hype and information around about the dangers of sugar these days. It feels a little overwhelming at times. Not to mention confusing! The...