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SE2-Ep1: Owning your story with Kristi Koeter

by | Jan 30, 2024 | Podcast | 0 comments

Welcome the Season 2 of The Joyful + Nourishment Podcast. From now on the pace will be a little slower and you can expect a new episode every other week instead of weekly. I am honouring the space of enough right now, and this is the pace it takes when it comes to the podcast.

We are kicking off this season with my conversation with Kristi Koeter about owning your story and your recovery.

Kristi is a marketing and communications leader with 20 years of experience as a journalist, writer, and editor. She is the mother of two children who have been diagnosed with and treated for eating disorders. She is co-author of the book Show Your Work and writes the newsletter Almost Sated ) about detoxing from diet culture. When she isn’t writing, you’ll find her mountain biking, hiking, or spending time with her family in Austin, Texas.

Kristi is my Substack friend and her excellent newsletter Almost Sated, where she chronicles her own journey and experiences in moving away from a lifetime of dieting and body loathing, is well worth subscribing to. She also has an interview series over there where others share their stories of moving away from dieting too and it has been interesting to see how each person’s story is somewhat different, but also similar in many ways.

In this conversation we talk about her experience as a parent to two daughters who developed anorexia at a young age, and how when her 2nd daughter was in recovery this became a catalyst to look at some of her own long held beliefs and rules about what she “should” eat and how her body “should” look like.

She is over a year into her own process at this stage and shares candidly about the ups and downs of it all, so far.

This episode is helpful for anyone who is a parent or relative of a child or young person in recovery from and eating disorder. And I believe it will also benefit anyone how are on their own journey of recovery and food freedom.

Read Kristi’s Newsletter Almost Sated here

And for other episodes that contains conversations about personal stories of having experiences an eating disorder or disordered eating check out My Story SE1-Ep1 or SE2-Ep2 with Louise George

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Hey there, I´m Linn

This is my little corner of the internet where I share things related to our complex relationship with food, eating and our bodies.

I believe that eating ought to be nourishing and joyful instead of filled with fear, guilt and shame.

Your body, and all of you, is worthy of care and  food or eating should never need to be earned or justified.