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Colourful. Simple. Tasty. Medicine.

Food can be all of that and more. It is about nutrition, but it also about much more than that. Like creativity in the kitchen. Gratitude for the produce and the connection we experience when sharing a meal with others.

Cooking is about creating. Eating is about pleasure, joy and satisfaction.  Honour your hungers. Fill your heart.

Feast on your life!


Baked Apples with Spiced Nut butter & Dark chocolate

Baked Apples with Spiced Nut butter & Dark chocolate

Whilst I am chipping away at a non recipe blog post I thought I would share this seasonal favourite one of mine. It is funny because sometimes those types of posts almost writes themselves, and other times they require a bit more of an effort. I picked up some really...

Ruby Red Beetroot Smoothie

Ruby Red Beetroot Smoothie

After what feels like almost two weeks at full speed, I decided, no actually my body told me loud and clear, that it is about time to take a day which include some selfcare. To me that includes, spending time outside, preferably some walking in the forest as well as...

Lemony Chia Pudding with Stewed Plums

Lemony Chia Pudding with Stewed Plums

Many months ago I posted a chia pudding recipe here and there's also many, many varieties floating around the internet. Why? One reason may be because it's a bit trendy. Just like quinoa was a few years ago. And perhaps the other reason is that it is one of these...

A Purple Smoothie with Hidden Greens

A Purple Smoothie with Hidden Greens

Let the purple theme continue! And the smoothie one too, of course. Purple is my favourite colour. So of course it made total sense to create a smoothie that was purple. It seems like late summer / early autumn is the natural season for purple foods. In the past few...

Rainbow Smoothie

Rainbow Smoothie

Smoothies never gets old, do they? I know I've already shared a good few inventions here and here's another one! Plus there's more recipe ideas in the pipeline. I also recently bought Green Kitchen Stories' latest recipe book, on yes you guessed it - Smoothies! It is...

Zingy Smoothie – for grey spring days

Zingy Smoothie – for grey spring days

In keeping with the yellow theme from last month's blog post on the FIRE Aspect, I give you another yellow combination. And yes, it's still a liquid one(!) *Note to self, make the next recipe something that you'll chew* But as I'm getting myself geared up for Whole...

Raw Buckwheat Porridge

Raw Buckwheat Porridge

Last summer this was by far my favourite breakfast. And as temperatures are improving, it's back on the reperoire. It's really simple to make (always a plus) and you can add what ever kind of berries you like or have to hand. It's also makes nice gluten free breakfast...

Superfood Porridge

Superfood Porridge

While we are patiently waiting for Summer to arrive, I though I would share this warming and nourishing superfood porridge with you all. This simple yet delicious breakfast has kept me going for the past couple of months as my go-to morning ritual. Whilst I was hoping...

Citrus-Sesame Smoothie

Citrus-Sesame Smoothie

I'm going to continue on with the smoothie them for a little longer. Because I like smoothies. And I also have a nutribullet which I love using on a regular basis. I know, I know, smoothies are for the summer you say or for at least when the weather get warmer. Fair...

Buckwheat Porridge with Pomelo, Pomegranate & Passion fruit

Buckwheat Porridge with Pomelo, Pomegranate & Passion fruit

It's finally starting to feel like Spring here today! A few hours in the mountains, sunshine and a little cooking and it feels like a proper day off. And a little blogging of course 😉 I'm going to keep it short and sweet today as I'm planning to write a nice juicy...

Sunny Buckwheat & Orange Smoothie – by Cashew Kitchen

Sunny Buckwheat & Orange Smoothie – by Cashew Kitchen

I'm so delighted to have the opportunity to share this beautiful immune boosting and vibrant smoothie recipe. Just what is needed as we slowly transition into the next season. I'm sure we can all do with a little more colour and sunshine in our lives. And if the Sun...

Coconut Chia Pudding – With Winter Spiced Berries

Coconut Chia Pudding – With Winter Spiced Berries

This recipe has sat in the draft section for some time. Turns out posting it now, is good timing still, because it could easily work as a nutritious addition to your menu over the holiday season. You may have heard of chia puddings by now. You may even be a big fan of...

Purple Smoothie Bowl + Sweden Pictures

Purple Smoothie Bowl + Sweden Pictures

Holidays are over and it's time to get back to normality... If you have kids I am guessing you are in the midst of preparing for the return to school. Even though it is years (many years in fact) since I went to school, this time of year always reminds me of just...

Green Smoothie for Beginners – Part 1

Green Smoothie for Beginners – Part 1

Are you part of the Green Smoothie Club? If smoothies are a very recent addition to your daily menu, making it a green one may still feel a little daunting. Or if having liquidized greens still seems a little 'too out there' for you, yet you are curious about trying...

Overnight Oats with Earl Grey infused Rhubarb Compote

Overnight Oats with Earl Grey infused Rhubarb Compote

Summer has arrived! Well almost. I've been told that 1st of May is officially the first day of Summer. But in reality I think 1st of June is more like it... This past week(s) has been pretty crazy with lots of things to do, places to be and many exciting opportunities...

Peanut Butter & Raspberry Smoothie

Peanut Butter & Raspberry Smoothie

It looks like Spring has finally arrived. Yay! And I have a confession to make... I've just ordered my very first gardening book. Oh my, I wonder where this is all heading? Those green fingers seem to have skipped a generation and I doubt I'll ever be an avid and as...

Banana Pancakes – for Pancake Tuesday

Banana Pancakes – for Pancake Tuesday

It's Pancake Tuesday! Finally. What more do I have to say. Pancakes are really good any time of year, especially on a lazy Sunday morning. For the past few years I've had friends over to my house for Pancake Tuesday. It's great to cook and share a meal with your best...

Baked Oatmeal alá Green Kitchen Stories

Baked Oatmeal alá Green Kitchen Stories

What do you do when you feel like celebrating or treating yourself? Do you go shopping, buying a jumper, or a book or something else nice that you've been wanting for some time? Treating yourself with something as a way of celebrating a recent success, a break through...

Buckwheat Crêpes

Buckwheat Crêpes

I was really planning on posting a more "dinner" type of recipe this time, but with food blogging things sometimes just don't work out as you intend. I try to eat what I cook and photograph. So anything I post may depend on what happens to be in the fridge. This time...

Floral Muesli with a Taste of Winter

Floral Muesli with a Taste of Winter

Things have been pretty hectic in my life for the past few weeks. Usually when life is full on, healthy eating goes out the window... And in my experience this is when we could to with nutritious foods the most. So quick, easy meals are the way to go. It just requires...

Spicy Millet Porridge – For cold winter mornings

Spicy Millet Porridge – For cold winter mornings

Breakfast. I just love breakfast. I would probably have a "breakfast style" meal anytime of the day. I mean, what's wrong with oatmeal as a light evening meal?! I am one of those people who always looks forward to a huge breakfast buffet when staying overnight in a...


Apple & Pumpkin Soup

Apple & Pumpkin Soup

  Halloween has just been (and the Christmas decorations are already appearing around the place!) but for all my U.S friends Thanksgiving is just around the corner. So I suppose it is still pumpkin season. I was contemplating the other day how nature seem to have...

Wild Garlic Soup

Wild Garlic Soup

This past weekend myself and my friend Jen Ardis from Blue Heron Mindfulness held our third Nutrition & Mindfulness 1 day retreat, locally here in Fermoy. The theme for this one, was Self care and Self compassion. Both pretty important topics if you ask me! I...

Green Fusion Miso Soup

Green Fusion Miso Soup

This week’s recipe is one that we shared with our participants at our Mindfulness & Nutrition Retreat in Fermoy, Co. Cork, last Sunday. This was the third one I’ve done in collaboration with my friend Jen (Blue Heron Mindfulness), I think that we are both feeling...

White Bean Soup with Cashews

White Bean Soup with Cashews

I feel like February is a kind of threshold month. Neither here nor there. Some faint promises of Spring, yet Winter is not ready to lose it's grip... This time of the year, eating fresh foods, grown locally can be particularly challenging since not much grows this...

An uplifting Carrot Soup

An uplifting Carrot Soup

In times of uncertainty, get creative...! About 18 months ago I came across the work of a wise lady called Pema Chödron. She's one of the more well known Buddhist teachers of the West. One of the books she's written is called, "Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and...

Lemony Lentil Dahl

Lemony Lentil Dahl

I don’t know about you, but almost a week after the American Presidential election and even though at present it does not directly affect me on a personal level, I still feel a little flat. It didn’t feel right sharing pictures of food on social media amidst so much...

Fiery Antiinflammatory Soup – Winter Soup Series 3

Fiery Antiinflammatory Soup – Winter Soup Series 3

I feel like it's been ages since I've posted something here. And in a sense it has. There's not all that much left to January so it's about time I got going with the blogging for 2016! I really enjoy the creative process of it all. From thinking up recipes, playing in...

Winter Spiced Lentil Dahl – Winter Soup Series Part 2

Winter Spiced Lentil Dahl – Winter Soup Series Part 2

Let's finish the year off with a bang! Following on from the last post about the FLOW, and the winter theme AND the soup theme, here is one filling spicy Dahl to keep you warm. Hopefully you've had enough of Christmas cake, minced pies, mulled wine, ham, turkey, nut...

Apple-Beetroot Soup – Winter Soup Series 1

Apple-Beetroot Soup – Winter Soup Series 1

Since we had a Summer Salad Series, I thought it I might treat you to some Winter Warmers over the coming months. Soups are such an amazing way to enjoy seasonable vegetables and to ensure you eat your minimum of 5-a day. Enjoying a big bowl of soup daily is a...

“Swedish” Red Lentil Soup

“Swedish” Red Lentil Soup

I thought I would share this easy to and nourishing soup with you all as we transition from Spring into Summer. April is almost over and May is fast approaching. I still feel a little behind on the blogging front... Trust me, it's not or the lack of ideas or not...

Classic Lentil Soup

Classic Lentil Soup

You may be right in the middle of the craziness, that seems totally normal this time of year. Or you may be like me, presents bough, wrapped and posted with just a couple more Christmas cards left to write. Chilling, in other words. Though I'm not sure why I still...

Chunky Irish Potato & Leek Soup

Chunky Irish Potato & Leek Soup

Autumn is almost over... And winter is fast approaching. This year we have had the most amazing summer in Ireland. It was certainly worth the wait after a long and, cold spring. I don't think there is a single person in the country that did not appreciated the amazing...


Green Goddess Salad

Green Goddess Salad

It is hard to remember that it was just a mere four months ago that we had a foot of snow here, when we are currently enjoying days upon days of sunny weather and temperatures in the mid 20°Cs. To me, who quiet like the heat, this current spell feels like true soul...

Summer Salad with Whole Spelt Grains & Slow Roasted Veg

Summer Salad with Whole Spelt Grains & Slow Roasted Veg

  Ok, so straight up I am going to admit that when I made this Summer Salad first, I didn't intend to make it as a potential blog recipe. I was just trying to come up with some new meal ideas, as I was working on improving the variety of foods that I am eating....

Fennel Roasted Carrot & Chickpea Salad with Orange & Mint

Fennel Roasted Carrot & Chickpea Salad with Orange & Mint

  Don't be fooled by the simplicity of this salad, it really packs a punch and is fairly substantial due to the chickpeas which provides plenty of fibre and some protein. It is fresh, warm and a perfect dish for going from colder weather to warmer days. I know...

Lentil & Mushroom Casserole

Lentil & Mushroom Casserole

  Finally... Can you smell it? Spring! I am so excited for warmer weather and brighter days. The fact the days are longer now, after the clock's recent change has helped my mood a lot. The other weekend I got inspired and cleared out a space for some vegetable...

Cumin Roasted Beetroot & Puy lentil Salad

Cumin Roasted Beetroot & Puy lentil Salad

  Do you what is really challenging? Taking photos of red and dark coloured foods! I don't know if it is just my camera that is struggling with the light / contrast or if there's something else contributing, which I don't know about... It just feels a little...

Curried Cauliflower Stir-Fry

Curried Cauliflower Stir-Fry

  For the month of January I partook in a “Buy Nothing but Consumables Challenge”.  Considering that my finances put a natural constrained on any purchasing desires, it wasn’t a massive task to get through, but even so I still found it an interesting experience...

Fig & Walnut Salad

Fig & Walnut Salad

I feel like I’m behind with writing blog posts… Again! I had another post idea lined up but since it hasn’t been written up yet, I think it will have to wait until the New Year. Who wants to think about batch cooking and meal planning at the moment anyway, right?! It...

Kale Salad with a Garlic-Tahini Dressing

Kale Salad with a Garlic-Tahini Dressing

  So here we go with another kale salad recipe! Told you that I had an abundance… I’ve also been thinking about my recipes and how I would like to try to give you some various alternatives, where ever and whenever it is possible. We talk about Intuitive Eating,...

Black Rice & Stone fruit Salad with Halloumi

Black Rice & Stone fruit Salad with Halloumi

  This week’s recipe is inspiration taken from a meal I enjoyed at a friend’s house when I was in Sweden a few weeks ago. I love when people cook for me, even though I love cooking and serving food for others too. The only downside is that many of my friends...

Rainbow Slaw with Mustard Dressing

Rainbow Slaw with Mustard Dressing

This week I will be sharing a salad recipe that kind of feels like a seasonal transition from Winter to Spring / Summer. It is a salad recipe, and it is a raw food dish. But, it made from what I would consider Winter vegetables. Root veg and purple (red) cabbage is...

A Medley of Roasted Root Veg

A Medley of Roasted Root Veg

This week’s recipe is actually part of what we enjoyed at our Christmas gathering when I was back home in Sweden with my family. So I let the sweet and swift memories of the end of 2016 take us in to 2017... Last year this was my first blog post of the year. Let's see...

A Festive Salad

A Festive Salad

Are you a lover or hater of these small green "mini cabbages"? I have to admit that it's been a gradual process for me... But when I discovered some years ago an incredibly simple way to eat them, I became a convert. And as I am typing this, it reminds me of how many...

Cavolo Nero Salad with a Mexican Twist

Cavolo Nero Salad with a Mexican Twist

This weekend I finally feel like I've hit those Autumn vibes in my kitchen. After a massive haul of fresh groceries, since my fridge was literally empty on fresh food and 2 hours of cleaning out my pantries I think I feel ready to move into the last quarter of this...

Red Cabbage Salad with Coconut & Blueberries

Red Cabbage Salad with Coconut & Blueberries

I've been wanting to share this recipe for the longest time ever! And I've also wanted to share a red cabbage recipe here forever... The funny thing is when you do food blogging though is that there's so much timing involved. At least if you are trying to keep things...

Avocado Toast with Coriander Pesto + 10 min Lunch Ideas

Avocado Toast with Coriander Pesto + 10 min Lunch Ideas

One of my missions with my work and this blog, is to show people how easy it can be to eat healthy, tasty, satisfying and nourishing meals! I think sometimes we hold on to these limiting beliefs that eating healthy is "difficult", "boring", "complicated" and "time...

Rainbow Pizza

Rainbow Pizza

I'm going to start off with a little confession this week... I actually created this recipe and photographed it about three months ago. It's been sitting all pretty and ready to be shared, but it hasn't been until know, that the time has been right. You see, I've been...

Cumin Roasted Beetroot & Nectarine Salad – Summer Salad Series 3

Cumin Roasted Beetroot & Nectarine Salad – Summer Salad Series 3

Let's continue the Summer Salad Series! I know we are already halfway through Aug but still... In a sense, as this salad contain several cooked elements it's the perfect transition from summer to autumn. It's still pretty fresh with an element of summer, containing...

Buckwheat Tabbouleh with Strawberries – Summer Salad Series part 2

Buckwheat Tabbouleh with Strawberries – Summer Salad Series part 2

I know, I know it might not feel all that much like summer at the moment... It has been a temperamental one here this year, that's for sure. But before the strawberry season is well and truly over, I thought I'd share this next salad recipe as part of my Summer Salad...

Roasted Radish Salad with Cherries – Summer Salads Series part 1

Roasted Radish Salad with Cherries – Summer Salads Series part 1

As I write this, the rain is smattering against the window... Right now it doesn't exactly feel like summer. But then yesterday it was hot and sunny. I suppose considering it's already the end of June, things could be better, but they could also be a lot worse. Living...

Green Freekhe Salad – Guest Post by Sprouting an Old Soul

Green Freekhe Salad – Guest Post by Sprouting an Old Soul

This week we are changing things up a little! I'm delighted to introduce you to the lovely Shanna Jade who runs the blog Sprouting an Old Soul. Her beautiful recipes coupled with insight and wisdom makes for an excellent read. To allow you to get to know Shanna Jade a...

Beetroot & Carrot Salad with a Ginger dressing (Raw)

Beetroot & Carrot Salad with a Ginger dressing (Raw)

Before the summer is well and truly over, I would like to share this colourful raw salad with you. I'd love if I could literally share it with you, but if not I'll give you the recipe at least, so you can easily throw it together at home! Beetroot and carrots are in...

Watermelon & Feta Salad with Mint

Watermelon & Feta Salad with Mint

This recipe is a really simple refreshing salad. Good on its own or as part of a BBQ. Watermelon makes the perfect summer food as it has a really high water content and is naturally sweet so pretty compelling to eat. It is certainly a food I crave once the...

Celebration of Summer Salad

Celebration of Summer Salad

Finally Summer has arrived in Ireland! Yay! We've been a long time waiting for this and now we have finally have some real heat and sunshine to enjoy. Trust me, when you live in a country where blue skies and temperatures in the 20s are a rarity, you savour every...

Weekday Chickpea Super Salad

Weekday Chickpea Super Salad

What about a quick nourishing meal that doesn't take time or effort to make? Or cost the earth? This dish is one of my all time favourites. If it wasn't for the simple fact that my body seem to crave the odd bit of meat, I could easily and happily eat this kind of...

A Colourful Detox Salad

A Colourful Detox Salad

A New Year, a New You. This seems to be the message every you look at the moment. It is all about new year's resolutions, detoxing and diets. If you, like most people just enjoyed the holidays a little too much and feel like it is time to get back on track, then how...

Kale Salad with an Orange-Tahini Dressing

Kale Salad with an Orange-Tahini Dressing

Kale is one of those super foods. Not as fancy as inca berries or maca or something else that we may get from the South American continent. The mighty kale may actually just travel as far as from your back garden to your plate. It is a perfect vegetable for winter...


Apple & Blackberry Crumble With Chinese Five Spice

Apple & Blackberry Crumble With Chinese Five Spice

Woho! The first new recipe for my new site, an Apple & Blackberry Crumble is here. I really hope you are excited about this as I am. Especially since it was 1st of July since I last put up something here, and back then the website looked vastly different. When I...

Basic Oat Cookies

Basic Oat Cookies

As I am striving to simplify my life with less stuff, I also feel a draw to create recipes that reflects that. Amid the current hype of "50-fancy-ingredient-lattes", what I want is something tasty and comforting made from just a few store cupboard ingredients. Maybe...

Beetroot Latte

Beetroot Latte

  Normally I post new blogs on Sunday afternoon, but with this recent spell of snow(!) and winter weather I decided that I might as well post this as I write it. And after a little hiatus I posted this blog earlier this week, so there you go. I know I’m not the...

Hot Chocolate for Cold Days

Hot Chocolate for Cold Days

  This year I have decide to try something different. Rather than focusing on moulding my life into the way I “think it should be”, I have decide to “take action without attachment to outcome”.  Only a few weeks into the year and my life is already giving me...

Baked Apples with Spiced Nut butter & Dark chocolate

Baked Apples with Spiced Nut butter & Dark chocolate

Whilst I am chipping away at a non recipe blog post I thought I would share this seasonal favourite one of mine. It is funny because sometimes those types of posts almost writes themselves, and other times they require a bit more of an effort. I picked up some really...

Coconut Panacotta with Raw Raspberry Chia Jam

Coconut Panacotta with Raw Raspberry Chia Jam

  Let’s continue with the theme of sweetness. And summer. After about 10 days spent with my family in Sweden, where it wasn’t up the usual July temperatures, I subsequently returned to an Ireland which kind of is. So that inspired me to share this recipe I...

Raw Chocolate with Tahini

Raw Chocolate with Tahini

  I have this things for grocery shopping… And trying out new foods… And sometimes this “thing” turns out to be a rather indulgent AND expensive hobby. I’m still not sure where this love of exploration comes from, though I keep blaming the year I spent living in...

Swedish Chocolate Balls – well almost

Swedish Chocolate Balls – well almost

  I think it was about time I shared another sweet recipe here on the blog again. And if you read my last post, about my own personal history with food (sugar in particular) and how I made eventually made peace with it all, then you will know that I love the...

Chocolate Truffles with a Swedish Twist

Chocolate Truffles with a Swedish Twist

Can you believe it? Just a couple of weeks left of 2016, and Christmas just around the corner…! The common phrase of “Where does time go?” is the thing on my mind.  Maybe my dad has a point when he says that time moves faster the older we get. Stands to reason if we...

Raw Coconut-Mint Chocolate

Raw Coconut-Mint Chocolate

It’s that time of the year again, when you get to indulge in making and giving, without anyone questioning it. Actually it seems much expected that you do so. In this time of “shoulds”, "musts" and “have-tos”, a midst overwhelm and busyness perhaps a desire to slow...

Lemony Chia Pudding with Stewed Plums

Lemony Chia Pudding with Stewed Plums

Many months ago I posted a chia pudding recipe here and there's also many, many varieties floating around the internet. Why? One reason may be because it's a bit trendy. Just like quinoa was a few years ago. And perhaps the other reason is that it is one of these...

Simple Seed Crackers

Simple Seed Crackers

You will love this recipe I promise! It has been years since I came across this recipe on the internet and though there are lots of different seed crackers recipes on the internet these days, this one is a guaranteed winner. Every single talk / food tasting session /...

Avocado Toast with Coriander Pesto + 10 min Lunch Ideas

Avocado Toast with Coriander Pesto + 10 min Lunch Ideas

One of my missions with my work and this blog, is to show people how easy it can be to eat healthy, tasty, satisfying and nourishing meals! I think sometimes we hold on to these limiting beliefs that eating healthy is "difficult", "boring", "complicated" and "time...

Oat Squares

Oat Squares

I've been meaning to share this recipe with you all for ages. It's one I came across months ago on the lovely Pippa Kendrick's website The Intolerant Gourmet. I've been making these delicious oat squares from time to time and it is one of the recipes I most likely...

Tahini – Orange filled Raw Chocolate

Tahini – Orange filled Raw Chocolate

Can you have sweet treats that are actually beneficial to your health and body? I, for one, would like to think so. It can be so confusing knowing what to eat these days... However if you stick to the "wholefood principle" you can't go too far wrong. The overall...

Homemade Cashew-Walnut Nutbutter

Homemade Cashew-Walnut Nutbutter

Things have been a little quite here, I must admit. AND I've been feeling guilty about it too. A whole month and nothing written or posted. My aim is to keep it to at least one post every second week, but it just didn't work out over these past few weeks. Looking back...

Lemon-Lime Curd

Lemon-Lime Curd

Do you ever end up trying something new because you are stuck with some leftover food and don't want it to go to waste? I strongly dislike food waste as it is both a waste of money AND resources. In my younger days, I had an aversion to eating the same food more than...

Super Boosted White Chocolate

Super Boosted White Chocolate

A (good) few week's ago I got sent a lovely box of goodies to try from the superfood company Iswari. The company has it's head quarters in Kinsale, Co. Cork, not a million miles away from where I live. Teaming up with a company that offers great quality products,...

Salt n´Pepper Oat Biscuits

Salt n´Pepper Oat Biscuits

If you have been hanging out here for awhile, then you know by know how much I like sweet things. Sometimes I even consider changing this site to one for desserts, biscuits, cakes and stuff... Yes seriously. But I suppose, as great as that may be, I mean I would get...

Citrus-Sesame Smoothie

Citrus-Sesame Smoothie

I'm going to continue on with the smoothie them for a little longer. Because I like smoothies. And I also have a nutribullet which I love using on a regular basis. I know, I know, smoothies are for the summer you say or for at least when the weather get warmer. Fair...

Rose infused marzipan – for Valentine’s

Rose infused marzipan – for Valentine’s

Valentine's is upon us again. I never got a chance to write a Valentine's post last year due to some incredibly stormy weather and subsequent power cuts, which lasted for days,  so I'm going to have a stab at it this year instead. I have to admit, I have mixed...

Gluten Free Banana Bread

Gluten Free Banana Bread

The start of a new month! Spring is almost palpable. How are those New Year's resolutions coming along? I hope you haven't given up already... One of my resolutions is to start using my (rather large) collection of cookbooks a little more. So I'm going to kick off...

Candied Almonds

Candied Almonds

It's the day before the day, or the eve before the day before Christmas day. I've been hanging out in the kitchen all day. Trying to get into some festive spirit by enjoying the kitchen all to myself, (well my dogs kept me company) with endless Christmas songs on...

Lemon Poppyseed Muffins – Celebrations & A Giveaway!

Lemon Poppyseed Muffins – Celebrations & A Giveaway!

We're turning one! A little over a year ago this food blog was born. It all started with an idea that it would be so much more fun to cook, photograph and blog about the food I cook in my own kitchen and the type of food I recommend to my clients. Getting a brand new...

Easy Peasy Raw Peanut Butter Chocolate

Easy Peasy Raw Peanut Butter Chocolate

Have you ever tried raw chocolate or even better still, tried to make our own? It isn't half as difficult as you may think. I can still remember a few years ago when I ordered my first ever bag of raw cacao powder from the internet. I was soooo excited! Because I have...

Better-For-You Peanut Butter Chocolate Bites

Better-For-You Peanut Butter Chocolate Bites

Are you on the "Quitting Sugar Train"? There's so much hype and information around about the dangers of  sugar these days. It feels a little overwhelming at times. Not to mention confusing! The science of nutrition seems to be forever evolving and changing. Eat this....

Strawberry Nana Icecream

Strawberry Nana Icecream

We are still enjoying some warm weather here in beautiful co. Cork, so this week I am going to treat you to a really simple yet healthy "ice cream" recipe. And not too many words, promise! I'm currently writing this from my temporary outdoor office. God bless the...

Raw Lemon “Cheese” Cake – with Summer Berries

Raw Lemon “Cheese” Cake – with Summer Berries

  This raw cake is surprisingly easy to make, tastes amazing and is naturally gluten, dairy  and refined sugar free. I kind of wish I could take credit for the recipe, but at least the pictures are all mine. Which of course means I had the pleasure of both...


Apple & Kale Green Smoothie

Apple & Kale Green Smoothie

I often think about this relentless striving to be more, do more and to continue to better ourselves. The beginning of each year is a time when this message becomes excessively loud. The “how to” of creating a “new you” is E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E. Of course I believe in...

Beetroot Latte

Beetroot Latte

  Normally I post new blogs on Sunday afternoon, but with this recent spell of snow(!) and winter weather I decided that I might as well post this as I write it. And after a little hiatus I posted this blog earlier this week, so there you go. I know I’m not the...

Hot Chocolate for Cold Days

Hot Chocolate for Cold Days

  This year I have decide to try something different. Rather than focusing on moulding my life into the way I “think it should be”, I have decide to “take action without attachment to outcome”.  Only a few weeks into the year and my life is already giving me...

Ruby Red Beetroot Smoothie

Ruby Red Beetroot Smoothie

After what feels like almost two weeks at full speed, I decided, no actually my body told me loud and clear, that it is about time to take a day which include some selfcare. To me that includes, spending time outside, preferably some walking in the forest as well as...

Spicy & Warming Cashew Milk

Spicy & Warming Cashew Milk

This hot drink is surprisingly easy to make, so don't be put off just by looking at the (long) ingredients list! Admittedly that used to be one of the things that was a deciding factor for me in the past when trying out new recipes, but slowly but surely I've extended...

A Purple Smoothie with Hidden Greens

A Purple Smoothie with Hidden Greens

Let the purple theme continue! And the smoothie one too, of course. Purple is my favourite colour. So of course it made total sense to create a smoothie that was purple. It seems like late summer / early autumn is the natural season for purple foods. In the past few...

Rainbow Smoothie

Rainbow Smoothie

Smoothies never gets old, do they? I know I've already shared a good few inventions here and here's another one! Plus there's more recipe ideas in the pipeline. I also recently bought Green Kitchen Stories' latest recipe book, on yes you guessed it - Smoothies! It is...

Zingy Smoothie – for grey spring days

Zingy Smoothie – for grey spring days

In keeping with the yellow theme from last month's blog post on the FIRE Aspect, I give you another yellow combination. And yes, it's still a liquid one(!) *Note to self, make the next recipe something that you'll chew* But as I'm getting myself geared up for Whole...

Citrus-Sesame Smoothie

Citrus-Sesame Smoothie

I'm going to continue on with the smoothie them for a little longer. Because I like smoothies. And I also have a nutribullet which I love using on a regular basis. I know, I know, smoothies are for the summer you say or for at least when the weather get warmer. Fair...

Sunny Buckwheat & Orange Smoothie – by Cashew Kitchen

Sunny Buckwheat & Orange Smoothie – by Cashew Kitchen

I'm so delighted to have the opportunity to share this beautiful immune boosting and vibrant smoothie recipe. Just what is needed as we slowly transition into the next season. I'm sure we can all do with a little more colour and sunshine in our lives. And if the Sun...

Homemade Elderberry Syrup – To Banish Any Autumn/Winter Bugs

Homemade Elderberry Syrup – To Banish Any Autumn/Winter Bugs

Before the winter bugs hit and before it's too late to pick ripe elderberry off the trees, have a go at this simple recipe and make your own immune boosting remedy. This was the first time I've tried making elderberry syrup myself so I used another recipe as a base...

Green Smoothie for Beginners – Part 1

Green Smoothie for Beginners – Part 1

Are you part of the Green Smoothie Club? If smoothies are a very recent addition to your daily menu, making it a green one may still feel a little daunting. Or if having liquidized greens still seems a little 'too out there' for you, yet you are curious about trying...

Peanut Butter & Raspberry Smoothie

Peanut Butter & Raspberry Smoothie

It looks like Spring has finally arrived. Yay! And I have a confession to make... I've just ordered my very first gardening book. Oh my, I wonder where this is all heading? Those green fingers seem to have skipped a generation and I doubt I'll ever be an avid and as...

Immune Boosting Turmeric Tea

Immune Boosting Turmeric Tea

It is the middle of January. Usually a grey time of the year. A long, sometimes rather depressing month. We are feeling the aftermaths of Christmas. Perhaps both in the form of tighter jeans and an emptier wallet. If this is you, then I'm positively confident that...